Connect to your Purpose Summit:
Narina Arushanova

Narina Arushanova is a marketing director and a life coach, specializing in sustainable happiness. One of her main passions is to help others achieve their true potential. Narina’s career began in 2007 when she dove into the world of entrepreneurship by learning the ins and outs of online marketing and positive psychology, which opened up a whole new world for me.

Some know her as a marketing director and consultant, who helps them set up websites and marketing campaigns and press releases while others know her as a life coach, who has helped them find their meaning and purpose in life and finally take charge of the direction where their lives are heading. Today, she combines her knowledge of psychology and marketing to help entrepreneurs break through their old habits and finally take their businesses to the next level.

Enjoy Narina’s freebie for you: Why we procrastinate and how to actually stop it.

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